Manchester United will lift Trophy at Wembley

You are currently viewing Manchester United will lift Trophy at Wembley
  • Post published:February 26, 2017

With a fit and healthy team at his disposal you would be a brave man to bet against Jose Mouriniho and his Red Devils. Winners of 5 straight in all competitions, Manchester United, and specifically Mouriniho, seem to be slowly silencing the critics who were baying for blood earlier in the season.

Cometh the hour cometh the man, and there can be no doubt that Jose is a man for big occasions. Indeed, Manchester United, conceivably the biggest club in the world, are no strangers to the big stage and I feel they will climb the stairs at Wembley to collect another piece of silverware. They have too much class for Southampton and I see a 2-1 scoreline on the cards today. I am placing R500 down at 15/20 that Man Utd will win this game. It pays R375 plus your stake back. Good luck to both teams today.